
Friday, April 28, 2017

a rose for her // officially into poetry

After thinking too much, I've decided to change the name and web address of my blog from to I'm also planning to buy my own domain once this blog becomes stable so that I no longer have to see the "blogspot" word sitting beside my blog name hahaha!!!

Why a-rose-for-her? So there's this book called "A Rose For Emily" by William Faulkner and it's where I got the inspiration for the name of my poetry blog. In the book, no one gave Emily a rose but the rose symbolizes sympathy and love that the author and the viewers could feel towards Emily. The same goes with my poems. The rose symbolizes the poems that I want to share to girls and women out there. I don't want to call myself a poet because I'm too far to be called as one but I like expressing myself through writing since I'm not really into talking LOL.

I have so much in my heart and mind but sometimes I'm lost for words to say and lost for people to talk to but my paper and pen has been with me all the time and they have become my best friends in my loneliest times. I wonder everyday what women of my age are feeling right now and I can't help but think that perhaps, some are happy while others are sad. Some are celebrating while others are grieving. But poetry makes me realize that it's okay to be sad, broken, and mad. Poetry teaches us that every feeling is valid and important and that no matter what we are feeling right now, poetry understands.

I'm still trying to compile the poems I've written but I hope I'll be able to gather all of them by tomorrow so I can start publishing them here as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!

xoxo Sheilababy

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